
Conference celebrates caregiving and all its rewards and challenges; offering motivational keynotes, educational workshops, tools and resources, networking, appreciation, and opportunities for self-care.


Direct Care:
A Chorus of Compassion
OCTOBER 7, 2024

It is our goal to work in harmony to serve the needs of Iowans. The tempo of caregiving can be very quick and the dynamics can vary a lot, but it is important to get into a good rhythm. The bar is set high. Your participation in this conference can be key to rebuilding your passion and to avoiding falling flat from burnout. You will experience programs for self-care, professional and skill development, mental health, and networking with the ensemble of direct care workers and family caregivers in attendance. The day will crescendo in fun and motivation and send you away feeling harmonious and in unison.

Registration is open!

Click here to view the conference brochure/agenda.

Click here to register online.

Joining Caregiver Voices Together in a Chorus of Compassion to Serve the Needs of Others

Click here to view the Save the Date Flyer.

Click here to view the Letter to Community Leaders

Click here to view the Letter to Provider and Fellow Quality Care Advocates

Click here to view the Sponsor and Exhibitor Form

“They’re unsung heroes of the medical field…Without them, I wouldn’t probably be where I’m at.”

Bruce Hamilton, Individual Served