
Caring Community Iowa Caregivers

Your generosity will help the Iowa CareGivers touch more lives.

Your financial support through a gift to Iowa CareGivers will help on a daily basis so direct care workers can provide the quality care those in need deserve.

Options to make a financial contribution.

Donate Online

Make a donation online through this secure website.

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Use Venmo

Use Venmo to donate! Click to our profile, scan the QR code with your phone, or use @IowaCareGivers.

Venmo QR code to donate

By Check

Download a donation form to fill out, then submit by mail.

Download donation form (pdf)

Your contribution may be tax deductible as prescribed by law. Donors will be listed in the Iowa CareGivers newsletter and other public announcements unless otherwise instructed. Iowa CareGivers is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit.

Donation Appeal Letters

Creating Your Legacy with the Iowa Caregivers

When you create a planned gift for causes important to you such as the Iowa CareGivers, you make a statement about what you want your legacy to be: Will you enable tomorrow’s direct care workers to earn a living wage? Will you make it possible for greater numbers of people to enter the profession — and remain there? Will growing the supportive environment for caregivers to provide the very best care to those who need it be the vision you help realize?

The Iowa CareGivers can help you to leave a legacy that ensures our direct care workforce is able to do the work they love for those we love.

Planning for the future and creating the legacy you wish to leave is one of the most effective ways to ensure a lasting impact. Making a gift in your will or living trust, known as a bequest, can guarantee that your legacy endures. Your gift may be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or the remainder after all other provisions are specified.


Suggested Language (pdf)
Download this PDF for suggested language to use when drafting your bequest

Bequest Statement of Intent (pdf)

Jim Miles-Polka

Jim Miles-Polka

Thank You For Being Part Of Our Caring Community

Gratitude. A word, a feeling, an emotion that seems to keep appearing these days. We encounter it consciously and in unexpected moments. We feel fortunate when someone expresses gratitude for us, for our work, for our assistance, for our love. Like many Iowa CareGivers’ supporters, I feel it heartily for the direct care workers who daily live out their passion, their kindness, their seemingly endless ability to care for our loved ones and ourselves. As I consider my own gratitude for caregivers, I recall one of my favorite experiences of this past year, sitting in on the Iowa CareGivers Direct Care Council gathering this year. Listening to conversations, stories, experiences of their dedication to those they care for was truly an inspiration. I felt many emotions that day, but mainly I felt gratitude. Gratitude that there are people among us who selflessly support those who need their care.

In the face of dwindling entries into the field of direct care and retirement of those who have been in this field for decades, we risk a shortage of caring people in this workforce. Iowa CareGivers’ mission includes programs to maintain existing worker knowledge, skill, training, and commitment, plus advocacy to improve the benefits associated with caregiving in order to make this field more attractive to those considering joining the direct care workforce.

Whether you have or had direct experience with those providing care for you, your family, or your friends - or whether you or your loved ones will one day depend on someone to provide assistance in a time of need - please consider joining me in expressing gratitude for direct care workers by supporting Iowa CareGivers in our mission to provide education, research, recognition, and advocacy for the direct care workforce.

Please consider your gift to Iowa CareGivers as one way to express your gratitude to the hard-working caregivers we support. Your expression of appreciation for our direct care workforce through Iowa CareGivers will be greatly appreciated by those we serve. Thank you in advance for being a part of our Caring Community by making your donation to Iowa CareGivers.

Read our case statement (pdf)

2023 Donor, Partner, and Sponsor List (pdf)

Margaret Swanson

Iowa CareGivers Endowment

Margaret Swanson, a long-time community activist and philanthropist, started an endowment fund for Iowa CareGivers upon her passing. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of her beloved family lake cottage paved the way for others to help ensure the future of Iowa CareGivers programs and services…initiatives that assist important and successful programs and services for caregivers. Margaret experienced first-hand the importance of those who work in direct care when her daughter Chris was left in a coma following a head-on car collision, an accident which eventually took Chris’ life. Margaret’s unwavering appreciation of those in direct care lives on through the Iowa Caregivers Endowment.

We ask that you consider a commitment that will have long-term and lasting impact on the lives of Iowans of all ages and abilities by donating to the Iowa CareGivers Endowment to endow the vital programs, scholarships, and services stated above.

To learn more about how your contribution helps, visit our program and advocacy pages or contact our office at 515-223-2805 or